So you need money today, but your bank account has seen better days. Perhaps you have an emergency you need to take care of, but the money to do so is nowhere to be found. In both of these situations a cash advance may be just what the financial doctor ordered - a way to get the cash you want today without going through the hassle of dealing with banks and credit card companies.
Cash advances typically come in two flavors: You can get a cash advance that you will pay back at a certain period in the future, with a nominal interest charge; or you can get a cash advance against a tangible asset that you own - say an insurance policy or annuity. Either way, you are getting the money you need today instead of having to wait for weeks (or years) down the road to get it. After all, what good does a $10,000 annuity do you five years from now when you need to get your car fixed today? There are a number of cash advance organizations out there who will work with you to find the solution that is best for you.
Typically, many people utilize the services of a cash advance organization that works much like a bank (without all the hassle): You fill out a small application, they process it immediately and the money is put into your account. The big difference is that, unlike a bank, the entire process is usually over and done in a few minutes! Typically, cash advance companies will advance you up to about $2,000 - $3,000 depending our your situation and finances. There are some cash advance companies out there that will loan more based on assets you may own that you want to take an advance on. Typically, such assets include things like insurance policies, annuities or lottery payouts. Many times people may hold such "future value" money items, but need the money for them today - after all, what good is money in the future if you may not even be around then to spend it? Most cash advance companies also offer very flexible repayment options.
You can either pay them back in one lump sum, or break the payments up over time. Some cash advance organizations even offer you the ability to pay the loan back through automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account, making the process even easier. Almost all of them give you the flexibility to determine what date you want the withdrawal to happen on - saving you from having to deal with potential NSF fees.
So if you find yourself a bit strapped for cash, or just want to take a well deserved vacation and need a few extra dollars, consider checking into cash advance services that are offered both online and locally. You'll find competitive rates, great service and most of all the money when you need it without the hassle of dealing with the bank, relatives, credit card companies - and most of all - your mom or dad!.
Susan Duey represents, Top Cash Advance Payday Loan offering payday loan financing. Get more information on Cash Advance - Money When You Need It